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WIP - Please see the Woodpecker documentation in the meantime.

Repository settings

The owner of a repository in the linked forge can change the related Crow CI settings via the web interface.


Allow pull requests

When enabled, webhooks for pull request events are issued. If disabled, no pipelines will be triggered for PR events.

Allow deployments

When enabled, pipelines can be started via "deployment" events. This includes both webhook triggers from forges for this event and the use of the "deployment" button in the Crow CI UI, which is shown when all steps of a pipelines succeeded.


"Deployment" events can be triggered from all users with "write" access to the repository. Do not enable this option if this is not desired.

Custom trusted clone plugins

During the clone process, sometimes Git credentials (e.g., for private repositories) are required. These credentials are provided via netrc.

They are injected only into "trusted" plugins, specified in the environment variable CROW_PLUGINS_TRUSTED_CLONE (an instance-wide server setting) or declared in this repository-level setting.

With these credentials, it is possible to perform arbitrary Git operations, including pushing changes back to the repo. To prevent unauthorized access or misuse, a plugin allowlist is required, either on the instance level or the repository level. Without such, a malicious contributor could use a custom clone plugin in a pull request to reveal or transfer these credentials.


This setting does not affect subsequent steps, nor does it allow direct pushes to the repository. To enable pushing changes within a workflow, inject Git credentials as a secret or use a dedicated plugin, such as appleboy/drone-git-push.

Privileges & Security

These settings give the underlying containers access to escalated capabilities which refer to common container capabilities defined in the docker/docker "Config" type.


With the network privilege, containers are given the following capabilities:

  • DNS
  • DNS search
  • ExtraHosts
  • NetworkMode

The underlying config object is defined in the docker/docker network "EndPointSettings" type.


With the volumes privilege, containers are given the following capabilities:

  • Volumes
  • Devices (undocumented)
  • Tmpfs (undocumented)

The underlying config object is defined in the docker/docker volumes "VolumeCreate" type.


With the security privilege, containers are given the following capabilities:

  • SecurityContext1
  • Privileged2

Approval requirements

To prevent malicious pipelines from extracting secrets or running harmful commands, pipelines can be configured to require approval before starting. The default setting is to require approvals for forked repositories, assuming that all people with "write" access to the repository are trusted by default.

Project visibility

This setting defines who can access the project. A user with access to a project can see all builds and their respective logs and artifacts. Settings, Secrets and Registries can only be seen by owners.

  • Public: Every user can see your project, without being logged in.
  • Internal: Only authenticated users of the CrowCI instance can see the project.
  • Private: Only you (and other owners) of the repository can see the project.


Instance administrators cannot see the project by default. Yet they can access it using the full URL or via the global repository list.


If the pipeline has not finished within the timeout, it will be treated as timed out (and terminated).

Cancel previous pipelines

This option defines whether previous pipelines of the same event and context should be canceled before starting the newly triggered one.

Log retention

These settings determine for how long the step logs of pipelines are being stored. By default, logs are stored for 90 days, no matter how many pipelines were run.

The purging is happening on each pipeline run and not on schedule. This means, if a pipeline has been run 95 days ago and there was no pipeline within the last 5 days, the logs are still there and will be purged at the start of the next run.

If both options have valid values, they will be merged to determine which logs to purge.

Once logs are purged, an indicator is set on the corresponding pipeline, ensuring that the purge process will not run again unnecessarily in future executions.

  1. Only applies to the Kubernetes backend. See the official documentation for "securityContext"

  2. Running a container as "privileged" gives excessive capabilities and is not recommended for normal steps.